Source code for meta.models

import warnings
from copy import copy

from django.db.models import Manager
from django.utils.functional import cached_property

from .settings import get_setting
from .utils import get_request, set_request
from .views import FullUrlMixin

    "Meta models needs request objects when initializing if sites framework "
    "is not used. See META_USE_SITES setting."

[docs] class ModelMeta(FullUrlMixin): """ Meta information mixin. """ _metadata = {} """ Metadata configuration dictionary `_metadata` dict values can be: * name of object method taking the field name as parameter * name of object method taking no parameters * name of object attribute * name of callable taking the field name as parameter * name of callable taking no parameters * literal value They are checked in the given order: the first that matches is returned. Callable must be available in the module (i.e.: imported if not defined in the module itself) """ _metadata_default = { "title": False, "og_title": False, "twitter_title": False, "schemaorg_title": False, "description": False, "og_description": False, "twitter_description": False, "schemaorg_description": False, "keywords": False, "image": get_setting("DEFAULT_IMAGE"), "image_object": None, "image_width": False, "image_height": False, "object_type": get_setting("DEFAULT_TYPE"), "og_type": get_setting("FB_TYPE"), "og_app_id": get_setting("FB_APPID"), "og_profile_id": get_setting("FB_PROFILE_ID"), "og_publisher": get_setting("FB_PUBLISHER"), "og_author_url": get_setting("FB_AUTHOR_URL"), "fb_pages": get_setting("FB_PAGES"), "twitter_type": get_setting("TWITTER_TYPE"), "twitter_site": get_setting("TWITTER_SITE"), "twitter_author": get_setting("TWITTER_AUTHOR"), "schemaorg_type": get_setting("SCHEMAORG_TYPE"), "published_time": False, "modified_time": False, "expiration_time": False, "tag": False, "url": False, "locale": False, "custom_namespace": get_setting("OG_NAMESPACES"), } _schema = {} """ properties dictionary `_metadata` dict values can be: * name of object method taking the field name as parameter * name of object method taking no parameters * name of object attribute * name of callable taking the field name as parameter * name of callable taking no parameters * literal value They are checked in the given order: the first that matches is returned. Callable must be available in the module (i.e.: imported if not defined in the module itself) If the resulting value is a :py:class:`~meta.models.ModelMeta` or :py:class:`~meta.views.Meta` instance its schema is set in the dataset. See :ref:`a sample implementation <schema.model>`. """
[docs] def get_meta(self, request=None): """ Retrieve the meta data configuration """ metadata = copy(self._metadata_default) metadata.update(self._metadata) return metadata
def _retrieve_data(self, request, metadata): """ Build the data according to the metadata configuration """ with set_request(request): for field, value in metadata.items(): if value: data = self._get_meta_value(field, value) yield field, data def _get_meta_value(self, field, value): """ Build metadata values from :py:attr:`_metadata` :param field: metadata field name :param value: provided value :return: data """ def process_value(item): if isinstance(item, Manager): return list(item.all()) elif callable(item): try: return item(field) except TypeError: return item() return item if value: try: return process_value(getattr(self, value)) except (AttributeError, TypeError): return value
[docs] def as_meta(self, request=None): """ Populates the :py:class:`~meta.views.Meta` object with values from :py:attr:`_metadata` :param request: optional request object. Used to build the correct URI for linked objects :return: Meta object """ from meta.views import Meta metadata = self.get_meta(request) meta = Meta(request=request, obj=self) for field, data in self._retrieve_data(request, metadata): setattr(meta, field, data) for field in ("og_title", "twitter_title", "schemaorg_title"): generaltitle = getattr(meta, "title", False) if not getattr(meta, field, False) and generaltitle: setattr(meta, field, generaltitle) for field in ("og_description", "twitter_description", "schemaorg_description"): generaldesc = getattr(meta, "description", False) if not getattr(meta, field, False) and generaldesc: setattr(meta, field, generaldesc) if self._schema: meta.schema = self.schema return meta
@cached_property def schema(self): """ object description :return: dict """ schema = {} for field, value in self._schema.items(): if value: schema[field] = self._get_meta_value(field, value) return schema
[docs] def get_request(self): """ Retrieve request from current instance """ warnings.warn( "use meta.utils.get_request function, ModelMeta.get_request will be removed in version 3.0", PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return get_request()
[docs] def get_author(self): """ Retrieve the author object. This is meant to be overridden in the model to return the actual author instance (e.g.: the user object). """ class Author: fb_url = None twitter_profile = None schemaorg_profile = None def get_full_name(self): # pragma: no cover return None return Author()
[docs] def get_author_url(self): """ Sample method to return the author facebook URL """ try: return self.get_author().fb_url except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover return ""
[docs] def get_author_name(self): """ Sample method to return the author full name """ try: return self.get_author().get_full_name() except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover return ""
[docs] def get_author_twitter(self): """ Sample method to return the author twitter account """ try: return self.get_author().twitter_profile except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover return ""
[docs] def get_author_schemaorg(self): """ Sample method to return the author URL """ try: return self.get_author().schemaorg_profile except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover return ""
[docs] def get_meta_protocol(self): """ Current http protocol """ return self.get_protocol()
[docs] def build_absolute_uri(self, url): """ Return the full url for the provided url argument """ request = get_request() if request: return request.build_absolute_uri(url) if not get_setting("USE_SITES"): raise RuntimeError(NEED_REQUEST_OBJECT_ERR_MSG) return self._get_full_url(url)
[docs] def mainEntityOfPage(self): return {"@type": "WebPage", "@id": self.build_absolute_uri(self.get_absolute_url())}
@property def _local_key(self): return "{}:{}:{}".format(self._meta.app_label, self._meta.model_name,