View support

Using the view

You render the meta tags by including a meta.html partial template in your view templates. This template will only render meta tags if it can find a meta object in the context, so you can safely include it in your base template to have it render on all your pages.

The meta.html template expects to find an object called meta in the template context which contains any of the following attributes:

  • use_og

  • use_twitter

  • use_facebook

  • use_schemaorg

  • use_title_tag

  • title

  • og_title

  • twitter_title

  • schemaorg_title

  • description

  • keywords

  • url

  • image

  • image_object

  • image_width

  • image_height

  • object_type

  • site_name

  • twitter_site

  • twitter_creator

  • twitter_type

  • facebook_app_id

  • locale

  • extra_props

  • extra_custom_props

In all cases, if the attribute is not set/empty, the matching metadata/property is not rendered.


attribute twitter_card is available as deprecated attribute with the same meaning of twitter_type. It will be removed in version 3.0, so update your code accordingly.

Meta object

The core of django-meta is the Meta class. Although you can prepare the metadata for the template yourself, this class can make things somewhat easier.

To set up a meta object for use in templates, simply instantiate it with the properties you want to use:

from meta.views import Meta

meta = Meta(
    title="Sam's awesome ponies",
    description='Awesome page about ponies',
    keywords=['pony', 'ponies', 'awesome'],
    extra_props = {
        'viewport': 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0'
        ('http-equiv', 'Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'),

When the time comes to render the template, you must include the instance as 'meta' context variable. In case you use class-based views check the view mixin helper, for function based views you must pass the meta object manually to the context where needed.

Meta also accept an (optional) request argument to pass the current request, which is used to retrieve the SITE_ID if it’s not in the settings.

The Meta instances have the same properties as the keys listed in the Using the view section. For convenience, some of the properties are ‘smart’, and will modify values you set. These properties are:

  • keywords

  • url

  • image

  • image_object

For brevity, we will only discuss those here.


When you assign keywords either via the constructor, or by assigning an iterable to the keywords property, it will be cleaned up of all duplicates and returned as a set. If you have specified the META_INCLUDE_KEYWORDS, the resulting set will also include them. If you omit this argument when instantiating the object, or if you assign None to the keywords property, keywords defined by META_DEFAULT_KEYWORDS setting will be used instead.


Setting the url behaves differently depending on whether you are passing a path or a full URL. If your URL starts with 'http', it will be used verbatim (not that the actual validity of the url is not checked so 'httpfoo' will be considered a valid URL). If you use an absolute or relative path, domain and protocol parts would be prepended to the URL. Here’s an example:

m = Meta(url='/foo/bar')
m.url  # returns ''

The actual protocol and domain are dependent on the META_SITE_PROTOCOL and META_SITE_DOMAIN settings. If you wish to use the Django’s sites contrib app to calculate the domain, you can either set the META_USE_SITES setting to True, or pass the use_sites argument to the constructor:

m = Meta(url='/foo/bar', use_sites=True)

Note that using the sites app will trigger database queries and/or cache hits, and it is therefore disabled by default.


The image_object property is the most complete way to provide image meta.

To use this property, you must pass a dictionary with at least the url attribute.

All others keys will be rendered alongside the url, if the specific protocol provides it.

Currently only OpenGraph support more than the image url, and you might add:

  • width: image width

  • height: image height

  • alt: alternate image description

  • secure_url: https URL for the image, if different than the url key

  • type: image mime type


media = {
    'url': '',
    'secure_url': '',
    'type': 'some/mime',
    'width': 100,
    'height': 100,
    'alt': 'a media',

it will be rendered as:

<meta property="og:image:alt" content="a media">
<meta property="og:image:height" content="100">
<meta property="og:image:secure_url" content="">
<meta property="og:image:type" content="some/mime">
<meta property="og:image:url" content="">
<meta property="og:image:width" content="100">


The image property behaves the same way as url property with one notable difference. This property treats absolute and relative paths differently. It will place relative paths under the META_IMAGE_URL.

if image_object is provided, it takes precedence over this property, for all the protocols, even if they only support the image URL.

View mixin

As a convenience to those who embrace the Django’s class-based views, django-meta includes a mixin that can be used with your views. Using the mixin is very simple:

from django.views.generic import View

from meta.views import MetadataMixin

class MyView(MetadataMixin, View):
    title = 'Some page'
    description = 'This is an awesome page'
    image = 'img/some_page_thumb.gif'
    url = 'some/page/'


The mixin sports all properties listed in the Using the view section with a few additional bells and whistles that make working with them easier. The mixin will return an instance of the Meta class (see Meta object) as meta context variable. This is, in turn, used in the partial template to render the meta tags (see Rendering meta tags).

Each of the properties on the mixin can be calculated dynamically by using the MetadataMixin.get_meta_PROPERTYNAME methods, where PROPERTYNAME is the name of the property you wish the calculate at runtime. Each method will receive a context keyword argument containing the request context.

For example, to calculate the description dynamically, you may use the mixin like so:

class MyView(MetadataMixin, SingleObjectMixin, View):

    def get_meta_description(self, context):
        return self.get_object().description

There are two more methods that you can overload in your view classes, and those are get_domain and get_protocol.

Reference template

See below the basic reference template:

{% load sekizai_tags meta %}

<html {% render_block 'html_extra' %}>
<head {% meta_namespaces %}>
    {{ meta.og_description }}
    {% include "meta/meta.html" %}
{% block content %}
{% endblock content %}



This key contains a boolean value, and instructs the template to render the OpenGraph properties. These are usually used by FaceBook to get more information about your site’s pages.


This key contains a boolean value, and instructs the template to render the Twitter properties. These are usually used by Twitter to get more information about your site’s pages.


This key contains a boolean value, and instructs the template to render the Facebook properties. These are usually used by Facebook to get more information about your site’s pages.


This key contains a boolean value, and instructs the template to render the Google+. These are usually used by Google to get more information about your site’s pages.


This key contains a boolean value, and instructs the template to render the <title></title> tag. In the simple case, you use <title></title> tag in the templates where you can override it, but if you want to generate it dynamically in the views, you can set this property to True.


This key is used in the og:title OpenGraph property if use_og is True, twitter:title if use_twitter is True, itemprop="title" if use_schemaorg is True or <title></title> tag if use_title_tag is True.

The service-specific variants are also supported:

  • og_title

  • twitter_title

  • schema_title

If set on the Meta object, they will be used instead of the generic title which will be used as a fallback.


This key is used to render the description meta tag as well as the og:description and twitter:description property.


This key should be an iterable containing the keywords for the page. It is used to render the keywords meta tag.


This key should be the full URL of the page. It is used to render the og:url, twitter:url, itemprop=url property.


This key must be set to a dictionary containing at least the url key, additional keys will be rendered if supported by each protocol. Currently only OpenGraph supports additional image properties.


media = {
    'url': '',
    'secure_url': '',
    'type': 'some/mime',
    'width': 100,
    'height': 100,
    'alt': 'a media',


This key should be the full URL of an image to be used with the og:image, twitter:image, itemprop=image property.


This key should be the width of image. It is used to render og:image:width value


This key should be the height of image. It is used to render og:image:height value


This key is used to render the og:type property.


This key is used to render the og:site_name property.


This key is used to render the twitter:site property.


This key is used to render the twitter:creator property.


This key is used to render the twitter:card property.


This key is used to render the fb:app_id property.


This key is used to render the og:locale property.


A dictionary of extra optional properties:

    'foo': 'bar',
    'key': 'value'


<meta name="foo" content="bar">
<meta name="key" content="value">

See Adding custom tags / properties for details.


A list of tuples for rendering custom extra properties:

    ('key', 'foo', 'bar')
    ('property', 'name', 'value')


<meta name="foo" content="bar">
<meta property="name" content="value">